“Dina uses music to show the understandings of interconnectedness of all things and people. She fondly connects to our mother earth and illustrates tree roots and other natural processes into her songs that show growth and harmonious balance. Her gratifying performances will leave you inspired and hopeful for our future together.”


Music is my destiny. I use my passion for music to educate and enlighten people about our beautiful environment and world, while trying to tap the heart and soul of communities striving for positive solutions. Exposure to other cultures has enriched my music to see the world through other frames of reference and become open to all possibilities of learning and growing while understanding my own West Virginia heritage. My interest in creating music started at age three, singing and playing instruments with friends and family members, and was further cultivated and supported by my father, whose profession and passion is music. I continued experimenting with different instruments and varying genres. Today I can play four instruments – banjo, guitar, bass foot pedal and tambourine – while switching voice and harmonica simultaneously. My musical soul craves more.
Music is a way for me to share and connect with others. I connect most to my creative process in nature or while traveling. Environmental activism and passion for the mountains metamorphosed my music into a fierce and fiery way to promote change and growth for West Virginia Mountain-top removal. My song “Mountain Momma” embodies the change and growth I know is possible here. This is where I combine awareness of the earth, the people and greater solutions to all who desire fair and equal shares.
Cultural change spurs my creativity. During my undergraduate studies, I became more interested and involved in nature and agriculture. From tree plantings to working on organic farms, I continued getting my hands dirty by growing gardens and helping friends grow, harvest and cook. My passions for culture and farming led me to Nicaragua furthering my Spanish-speaking skills and then to Portugal deeply pursuing permaculture. There I received the permaculture design certification while living in my tent and growing food for my community. With support, I wrote the title track of my EP CD, “Day by Day”.
My musical creations blossom in nature and cultivate a connection between nature and people. I choose to see the Mother Earth’s patterns and share those through my acoustical sound and words with music. There is no separation between what I experience and learn in nature and my music. Through my music, I want people to see how nature and people can work together, not against it.